Returning to Love

It’s hard to put into words what the last 4 years have felt like… A constant and continuous erosion of values and ideals that I subscribe to. Of pointing at The Other and fearing that difference, of turning that difference into hate, of subverting ‘power to do good’ into ‘power to dictate’.

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This is me.

From a (hyper) active woman, mother, wife, keen chef, music lover, reader… to a housebound human, barely making it through the day, miserable and dejected. Never before has the importance of mental health been so apparent to me than over the past two months. It all started just under 11 years ago, two weeks into a new job.

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The day the music died (literally)

It was the year 2000 when I was introduced to the wonder that is Vinicio Capossela. A master like few the world has seen.

He is humble, his musicality original, raw, full of fire, his lyrics poems of the highest order. Above all, he reaches out and touches the human condition in a way that speaks volumes to me, walking that fine line between nostalgia and melancholy, verve and rhythm, yearning and desire, passion and soul. As I read somewhere, he is a visionary dreamer. And through him, we too dream. Continue reading

Why I joined the #metoo campaign

This morning on Facebook, one of the first posts I saw was this:

If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote “Me too” as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem. (copied/pasted)

Without a second thought, I copied and pasted the post and hashtag to my own feed. My reaction was instantaneous, guttural and instinctive – and here’s why:

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